Cinco Jotas

Acorn Fed Ibérico Shoulder Ham Sliced (Paleta de Bellota 100% Ibérica Loncheado) 3 oz.


Cinco Jotas

Acorn Fed Ibérico Shoulder Ham Sliced (Paleta de Bellota 100% Ibérica Loncheado) 3 oz.


This acorn fed shoulder ham has a rich and sweet taste with a soft texture that melts in your mouth. The shoulder is marbled with fats that are actually considered to be good for your health. It is thinly sliced by hand and packaged into easy to separate slices that are ready for serving.

Serving recommendations: The ham should be refrigerated until consumption. When ready to eat allow the packet to obtain room temperature before separating slices and then continue to plate at room temperature.

Producer Info: This company from the town of Jabugo has been in business for over 130 years producing acorn fed 100% Ibérico ham, a product which is also known as pata negra due to its characteristic black nail. During our visit, we couldn’t stop to marvel at their famous curing cellars, where the hams will mature for 18 to 36 months. These cellars are strategically located below ground to maintain temperature and humidity levels. Additionally, when you visit the famous meadows, called dehesas, where the pigs roam you can see the utmost respect for the animals, which each get 2.5 acres where they can freely feed on acorns.